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Relationship Quotes
What Is Your Most Important Relationship?

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

These relationship quotes will help you focus on the most important relationship of all--the one you have with your inner goodness and well being. 

It all starts with your relationship with yourself, then your commitment to your role in the relationship, and finally to the relationship itself, as you can see in the diagram below.

When you are lined up with who you really are, you are connected with your good heart and integrity, you will have a positive relationship with yourself. And, you will be more kind, compassionate and loving toward everyone in your life.

This is a lot like becoming your own best friend. Your best friend doesn't think you're perfect, she just sees you as you are and likes you.

Get ready for the best relationship advice you'll ever get--because it puts you in the driver's seat. Tell your own relationship story, or ask your question now, right on this page

Your Priority One Relationship Quotes

These relationship quotes will point out how your relationship with your inner self is the core of all of your relationships. All bad relationships revolve around one person trying to get the other to change, and real lasting change does not happen that way.

Here are your quotes:

"Everything that is going on in every relationship in your life is a reflection of something going on within you. The better you understand yourself, the better you will be able to understand your relationships with others."

"The inner core of your being is good, healthy and of the highest integrity. That's why you feel so bad when you are doing things that don't match up with your personal values."

"The most important thing is for you to feel good. The better you feel, the smarter you will be, and the more kind and compassionate you will be to others."

"Be good to yourself. Look upon your life with kindness and understanding. Do this as if your were your own very best friend."

"It's up to you to appreciate your gifts, talents and good qualities. When you appreciate your body, mind and good heart, it is much more likely that others will too."

All quotes by William DeFoore

Everyone loves a good story other visitors' stories about relationships. These are good folks just like you trying to figure out how to be happy in love. 

Your Second Most Important Relationship

The following relationship quotes are designed to help you create the relationships you've always wanted. These quotes will also point you in the direction of how to heal bad relationships and abusive relationships.

"The healthy priority of commitment in relationships is yourself (your health and spiritual life) first, your spouse second, your children third, your extended family, friends and work next."

"Just as you are responsible for your own health and happiness, your spouse or partner is responsible for her/his well being."

"The best thing you can do for your relationship is to bring the healthiest, happiest person to it as you possibly can."

"You are totally responsible for the kind of husband, wife or partner you bring to your relationship. The role you play is entirely in your hands as your creation, and does not depend on what your partner does or does not do."

"Be aware of what you're bringing to your relationship. Contribute friendliness, kindness, humor and affection and watch it flourish."

"The most important contribution you can make to your relationship is appreciation. Appreciate your partner in your mind and heart, and speak your appreciation out loud to them and watch your relationship heal and thrive."

I hope you have found these relationship quotes to be helpful on your journey to becoming the person you choose to be.

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This audio program will help you to develop highly effective communication skills, create romance on an ongoing basis, and bring fun and creativity into your relationship!

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About Your Relationship?

Whether it's shocking, funny or infuriating, we'd like to hear your stories and questions about anger management in your relationship.

You have questions or stories to tell, or you wouldn't be on this site. If you'd like some help, you can get help here. You may feel helped just by writing!

Also, other visitors might be able to help with their comments, stories and questions. Sometimes I (Dr. DeFoore here) offer comments, and I try to answer most of the questions.

Other Visitors' Stories And Questions

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Is My Brother Verbally Abusive And If So What Should I Do? 
Hi everyone. Thanks for taking the time to read my question; its my first time on this site. My family and I have been dealing with a lot of turmoil …

Another Chance For Our Relationship? 
In the beginning, we were a great couple. We rarely had problems, and when we did, they were easily sorted out. We didn't get too mad at each other, …

I'm Being Accused Of Something I Didn't Do 
My boyfriend would accuse me of looking at other guys, while I'm with him. But I don't. I realize this stems from past trust issues that we've had. …

What To Do About My Brother And My Parents' Enabling Him 
I am 28 and I have an older brother who is 31. My brother has always been very volatile towards my parents. He has made poor choice after poor choice. …

My Wife Hates My Family 
I write this with a heavy heart. We have been married for 11 years now and I must say my wife has never liked my family. She finds fault in every little …

My Dad Had An Affair And I Can't Forgive Him 
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Can't Seem To Let go Of Anger At Abusive Brother & Dysfunctional Family 
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Relationship Handling And Anger Management 
I have been with the same man for 5 years and we have a daughter that is just over two. My husband and I both suffer from anger issues, but only toward …

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My Complicated Relationship Not rated yet
I have been in a relationship with a man who has been emotionally and physically abused in his past relationship and is sometimes physically (has been) …

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Husband Overreacting With His Mother And Sisters Not rated yet
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I Have An Ill Spouse And Need Help Not rated yet
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My Boyfriend Doesn't Want Me To Be Happy With Anyone Else Not rated yet
In April 2012 me and my boyfriend will have been together five years. Two years ago after begging and pleading with him to either break up with me or …

Is It Me? Not rated yet
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I'm A Resentful Sibling Who Can't Reach My Father Not rated yet
I am the youngest of 5 in my family. I grew up there with my brother who is now deceased. He would have been 40, I am 34. From me to the next eldest sister …

Living With An Angry Relative Not rated yet
I am 66 years old and live with my sister who is 68. We get along great. The problem is her 45 year old daughter that lives here also. The daughter--I'll …

Angry Because I Don't Have Control Over Things In My Life Not rated yet
I am so angry, I feel it deep in my chest. I have started exercising and writing to help. I am a 53 year old woman, I have been widowed after 32 years …

My 8 Year Old Sides With His Abusive Father Not rated yet
Hi. I'm divorced from my abusive husband, thank goodness, but I have an 8 year old that's caught in the middle. My ex is very verbal abusive and still …

We Had A Five Year Relationship And A Child Together And I Can't Forgive His Betrayal Not rated yet
I was in a 5 yr relationship with the father of my child and suddenly he told me he needed some space. We were arguing a lot but never thought we were …

My Partner Focuses More On His Friend Than He Does On Me Not rated yet
I have been in a relationship for over a year now. Initially I was living in another state and recently relocated to be with my partner, plus I needed …

A Difference Of Priorities With Housekeeping Not rated yet
My fiancée, myself and my mother share a flat because none of us can afford our current standard of living on our own. My mother earns the most money out …

My Boyfriend'S Cheating And Betrayal, My Inappropriate Rage And Anger In Response Not rated yet
I met John 3 years ago. We really clicked and within a month or so of dating, made the decision to be exclusive. Over a period of 6 months thereafter, …

Is My Future Husband's Past Making Him Angry At The World? Not rated yet
My Fiance is a wonderful guy, very loving, caring, and considerate. But as we have gotten to know one another I have learned more about his darker past. …

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Angry Fiance Not rated yet
My fiance and I have been together for almost 5 years and we have an 18 month old son. We got engaged a few months before he was born. I've always known …

When A Loving Guy Met A Volcano Not rated yet
I fell in love with this amazing guy 1 yr ago. My anger has been an issue for as long as I can remember. It really took off when we got serious. …

Welcome To Melissa's Mixed World Of Emotions! Not rated yet
First of all, I deeply appreciate your time. I realize you're a busy man, so I'll try to be brief. I'm 42 yrs. old and the oldest of three children. …

Needing An Answer About A Relationship That's Over Not rated yet
I dated this guy for like 2 months. In this two months, he had broken up with me two times. Whenever we had a fight, he would think I will break up with …

Anger Escalation With My Fiance Not rated yet
I'm trying to find a job to help with bills for my fiance. He gets mad when I get an interview at Sizzlers just cause it's 8 dollars an hour. And he …

Rocky Road Not rated yet
My boyfriend and I had fallen in love right from the first day we met. He was my first true relationship. We moved in together 3 months after we met. Unfortunately …

Pain, Anger & Resentment  Not rated yet
I've been married for almost 5 years. My husband has severe back problems from an accident in his teens. He compressed and shattered two thoracic vertebra. …

She's Always Mad And Angry Not rated yet
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Hi, my name's Denise. My boyfriend and I are both 20 and have been dating for 4 years. Our relationship is good but we do have our heated arguments. We've …

Quick Pint At The Pub Not rated yet
I have a partner that is currently not able to see that I have changed and things around me are no longer as important in life as they were. I am divorced. …

She Was Like A Sister To Me Not rated yet
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The Gift Of Hindsight And Time To Move Forward! Not rated yet
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Why Do I Feel Like The Bad Guy In Relationships? Not rated yet
I've been in 3 long term relationships. The first one we dated after high school and I got pregnant. He told me it was my business what I did. Being a …

Sound Or silence Not rated yet
I have always been the person that holds on to things, and at a later date I blow up for that thing, plus whatever else I just got mad for. I've been …

Confused About My Future Not rated yet
I am an Indian girl from an orthodox family. As is well known, Indians are more restricted by cast, as are my family members. When I was 19 yrs old, …

Differing Points Of View Not rated yet
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2.5 years. Due to financial circumstances I had asked him to move into my apartment with me to split the rent. …

Not Getting Along Not rated yet
I watch three elementary school children everyday after school. They are all different ages--I have a 2nd, 3rd and 5th grader. Recently I have been …

Facing Conflict With A Friend Not rated yet
I'm in a very painful situation. It is important to know that I am a sexual abuse survivor. I had to come back home to help my friend whose 29 year old …

Destroying A Box Not rated yet
When I was a teenager I had a bad friend named Joe. Nowadays, Joe is a fine person, but when he was younger, he was a consummate tormentor. He liked to …

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