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We Had A Five Year Relationship And A Child Together And I Can't Forgive His Betrayal

by Ambar
(New York, NY)

I was in a 5 yr relationship with the father of my child and suddenly he told me he needed some space. We were arguing a lot but never thought we were going to end up breaking up.

Yesterday he locked himself in the bathroom and I found out he was with someone else. I was a good wife to him and never did anything bad to him. I feel like I was very good to him and I don't deserve all this betrayal.

I know that he will regret what he is doing to me and I won't take him back. I just want to move on with my daughter and forget about him. The hardest part is that I live in his parents' house because my daughter and I don't have anywhere to go.

His father loves me and he is upset on what his son is doing to me and is telling to me stay because if I go, things will get worse. He doesn't want his son to bring other women into his house.

I really want to move on with my life and prove to him I don't need him. The woman he is with is not worth it! Well, thank you. I hope you can answer my story.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Ambar, and thanks for telling your story here. I know it is sad and frustrating, what you are going through. The important thing at this point is to do your best to take care of yourself and your daughter. I will try to help.

You are going through a grieving process, over the loss of your relationship. I suggest you follow the steps in this page on grieving. I know your partner is not dead, but your relationship has indeed died, because of your partner's unfaithfulness.

You can do this, Ambar. You can move on and create a good life for yourself and your daughter.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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