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Sign Up For The
Healing Anger Newsletter

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

Get free monthly issues of Dr. DeFoore's Healing Anger Newsletter and learn how to transform anger into something useful and good! Sign up now!

By the way...

As a special thank-you for subscribing, you will receive a link to a free E-book entitled, Anger Management Techniques, which offers Quick Relief and Lasting Control and helps you:

  • Measure your anger
  • Release your anger (and not hurt anyone)
  • Heal old emotional wounds
  • And improve your anger communication skills

I've been publishing this newsletter (Dr. DeFoore here) for over 8 years, so there's a wealth of information and resources available to you in our archives--start browsing now

Healing Anger Newsletter Archives

newsletter archives

Take a Look At Past Issues!

About The Newsletter

Each issue of the newsletter will introduce you to new information and anger management resources to help you, your family and your co-workers.

Find out how to:

  • Heal your own anger and take charge of your emotions.
  • Help your husband, wife, son or daughter to manage their anger.
  • Handle conflicts in a reasonable, controlled way.
  • Communicate better with your boss, employees and co-workers.

And a whole lot more!

Here's what current subscribers and visitors have to say:


"Dr. DeFoore illuminates the powerful force of anger and how to capture its potent energy for good, for healing, and for creating an abundantly successful life."
- Carolyn Craft, Visionary Producer/Developer

"I have always admired your newsletters, which have intensely changed me, especially my anger. I always look forward to your views and suggestions, which help to make my life easier."
Lisa Leo, Facebook Fan

Subscribe To Healing Anger Now

As the name of our newsletter suggests, anger can be healed. In addition to the newsletter, you will find many other resources on this site to help with  resolving anger issues and more on

And, in the words of Richard Rohr, "If you don't transform it, you will transmit it." See how this works in the video below.

More Helpful Articles On Healing Anger

Teen Suicide: Here's a problem we don't want to think about. Learn how to prevent it, so that you never have to worry about it again.

ADD Treatments: Learn how to tackle and master the problem of ADD and ADHD in children and teens with some tried-and-true treatment approaches that work--without medication.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Here are the answers you need, if your child is showing the signs of ODD and related adolescent anger management problems. These approaches get to the cause, and create lasting results.

Narcissism: Find out what this problem really is, and how it can actually be a good thing in some cases...or very destructive in others. Learn the difference between narcissism and healthy self love.

Silent Treatment: This can be even more painful than yelling and other open expressions of anger. Nobody likes to be ignored, and this is often a form of punishment. You don't have to live with it. 

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