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Tell Your Stories & Ask Your Questions
With Self Help Anger Management

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

Here's your chance to get involved in this site with self help anger management! Tell your story, ask your question, or offer your advice. We all benefit when we help others, so you can't lose here!

Currently, we have several categories for you to choose from. Feel free to suggest more!

It's easy. Just follow the links below, and all of the instructions will be there to help you build your own web page--yes, that's what I said! When approved, your submission will become a web page on this site, that others can read and comment on. Get started with self help anger management now!

You can also read other visitors' stories and learn from their experiences and Dr. DeFoore's responses. This is all free, and all for you!

Your Self Help Anger Management
Stories And Questions

Can't Control Your Anger?

Having Trouble With Your Marriage Or Relationship?

Have A Story Or A Question About Teen Anger?

Have A Story Or A Question About Child Anger?

Tell Us About The Alcohol Abuse You're Dealing With

Tell Your Stories Of Grief And Healing

Have A Question Or Story About Depression?

Military Vets PTSD Stories and Questions

Are You A Professional? Submit Your Article!

If you're not sure about any of these categories, just pick one and submit your story or question. I'll sort it out from there.

Now let's hear from some other visitors like you, who have told their stories here:

Testimonials From Those Who Have Participated

"Thank you for your feedback, Dr. DeFoore and your great advice. You had me on the verge of tears, since it's been quite a while since I've heard such encouraging and positive things said about me. I will take this advice to heart and do my very best to help me help myself!"

Samantha Reyes

"Dr. DeFoore is dedicated to those that write stories on this site. I myself have told my story and feel that Dr. DeFoore dedicates his time to write individual responses to each and every one of us with his opinion of what to do. I have not seen anything like this that is of no cost to any of us. I really hope this site makes it big since there are many of us who need to know that we are not alone. Speak out, it is always worth it."


Your thoughts, feelings and anger stories are important! And your questions are just as important. When you ask a question about self help anger management, you might be asking somebody else's question that they are afraid to ask.

When you describe a problem, you might be helping someone else realize they're not alone--and that is a huge gift!

This is definitely a "Help And Be Helped" situation. So join in with self help anger management and become your own best anger management resource! 

More Great Articles For You

Parenting Adult Children: Many families have trouble "launching" their adult children, and sometimes it turns into a big problem for everyone concerned. Get help here, and read the stories of other parents who are struggling to solve this challenging problem.

Combat Veterans' PTSD: This problem has become so severe that there are now more deaths among our troops from suicide than from combat fatalities. Whether you're a vet, or you are close to a wounded warrior, read this important information about healing that is possible without medication.

PTSD Symptoms: Discover the early warning signs of post traumatic stress disorder, and how to address them so that the problem does not get worse. This is not a permanent condition, and there are non-medical solutions that work.

The Angry Guy: Read some great stories by and about angry guys...there are lots of them! But, they're not necessarily bad guys. Anybody can have anger problems, the question is how you handle it.

The Single Parent: Learn from other single parents, offer your own input, and get help with the challenges you're facing. This is your chance to help and be helped by other great moms and dads like you.

The Anger Problem: Learn where it started and how to deal with it, so that it doesn't become a more serious issue in your life. You will discover how anger can actually be a healthy, useful part of your life and well being.

Anger Management Skills: Sometimes anger management is simply a matter of learning new skills. These skills range from deep inner emotional healing work to practical everyday tools and techniques for keeping yourself cool, calm and collected. 

Marriage Counselling: Tell your story or ask your question here, and read the stories and questions of others, along with Dr. DeFoore's counselling advice and recommendations.

Have A Great Story Or Question
About Anger Management?

Whether it's shocking, funny or infuriating, we'd like to hear your stories and questions about anger management.

You have questions or stories to tell, or you wouldn't be on this site. If you'd like some help, you can get help here. You may feel helped just by writing!

Also, other visitors might be able to help with their comments, stories and questions. Sometimes I (Dr. DeFoore here) offer comments, and I try to answer most of the questions.

Feel free to also review our FAQ page (frequently asked questions), to see if your question has already been answered.

Other Visitors' Stories And Questions

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

How Do I Help My Husband Who Won't Save Himself? 
My husband recently dropped a bombshell into my lap - he told me he had found out back in July that his doctor had indicated after his yearly physical …

Totally Out Of Control 
I have always had a slight temper but here lately it's been crazy. I just got off work and noticed that they shorted my check 12 hours of overtime and …

I Am Angry And So Confused 
I don't know what my problem is, and it is driving me crazy. I have a boyfriend, a great set of friends, and a really nice family, but we all have our …

On The Edge 
Hi, everyone. I'm 27 years old. I'm so very depressed and very fearful, I accept that now. I have never had a boyfriend, I long for a deep connection …

I Just Want To Make It Right With My Girlfriend Not rated yet
Basically I and my girlfriend have been going out for over 8 months now. It seems just yesterday I was getting to know her and as if I was just falling …

My Angry Life  Not rated yet
My wife of 26 years left me over the weekend. It devastated me. She came home though, within 24 hours because she said she didn't want to leave that …

My Messed Up Family Not rated yet
I am a 42 y.o. female. I have been married for 20 years to the same great guy. I have an 18 y.o. son. We as a family unit are able to function in a capacity …

I'm The Middle Child And Get Blamed For Everything Not rated yet
It seems like for the past 2 years I have been in a lot more stressful situations. A lot of my issues come from my family. I'm not sure how to write …

Wondering If It's Really Me Not rated yet
I've got problems maintaining relationships. Important ones. I used to feel confident that some were not my fault, that those people do not know how to …

An Angry Past Of Neglect And Verbal Abuse Not rated yet
My parents got divorced when I was nine and my mom was forced out of our lives. I was forced to raise my 2 sisters because my mom wasn't allowed. My dad …

Skip's Sorry Saga Not rated yet
It begins with Skip's wife (that's me) finding out about his affair. Only it was going on for 3 years! While I was home taking care of the children, bills, …

I Just Don't Understand My Anger Not rated yet
My name is Chelsey and I have two beautiful kids and a husband I would like to keep. My husband's name is Dustin, and he can do the smallest things and …

Why Not rated yet
Dr. DeFoore I don't feel as if I have anger problems, but I think it's trust issues. I always get into relationships and end up the same way. All we fight …

I Didn't Know I Had An Anger Problem Not rated yet
I am a 36 year old woman, with 2 teenage kids. I have been seeing a married man for one year and 10 months. It all started off well, but now I get so upset …

Compulsion--What Was I Thinking? Not rated yet
I am a product of compulsion. A compulsion is an irresistible impulse, something that you just can't seem not to do no matter how dysfunctional, unhealthy, …

Best Friend's Behavior Hurts Not rated yet
My best friend and I had planned that I'd come to her house on Friday, a week ago. Actually her house is nearby a market and I had some work in the market. …

Click here to write your own.

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