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Link To Anger Management Resource

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

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Anger Management Resource - helpful worksheets, books, CDs and counseling for all ages.

That's all there is to it. 

Why would you want to link to our site? Because you want to provide excellent support and resources to your customers for content relating to anger management, depression and anxiety.

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All the best of success to you!

Oh, by the way, please preview our best selling audiobooks below!

Anger Management Techniques

anger management techniques

It's time to get it done! And you've got what it takes to do the job. You can manage your anger and the skills you need are right here at your fingertips.

Get to the heart of anger management here, and with practice you will master the skills to make your life and relationships work better. You can do this!

Listen To Previews Now!

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inner child

Affirmations & Visualizations For Self Love & Healing

Get this revised and updated version of Dr. DeFoore's classic CD/audio download program! Using a combination of visualization and affirmations, he will guide you on a journey of emotional healing that will lead to greater self esteem and self love. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with the tremendous value of your true, original nature and begin your journey to a joyful, fulfilling life.

Listen To Previews Now!

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