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Personal and Confidential
Anger Management Programs

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

Find out which of these anger management programs is best suited for your personal and individual needs. We have two different certificate programs for you to choose from, which you will find listed below.

Are you ready to learn about anger programs that really work? Great--here are two of them, suited to your needs according to what you're looking for. When you call to schedule, we will begin designing your program for you.

In addition to learning to manage your anger, this is an excellent way to heal from child abuse or adult trauma of any kind. Consider it a gift to yourself.

Both of these anger management courses are completely private and confidential. While one-on-one sessions usually are not considered "classes," this is what I offer to make sure you get what you're looking for. 

You will meet individually with me, Dr. William DeFoore for each program. Occasional sessions are available for in-person meetings, but most sessions occur remotely either by Zoom or Google Chat. There are no groups included in any of these programs. 

Two Anger Management Programs 

1. Intermediate Anger Management Program: 

This is the choice for you if you are having moderate to serious anger issues. Take the Anger Management Assessment to know the level of your anger issues for sure.

This anger management program consists of:

  • Six 50-minute sessions, conducted virtually through either Zoom or Google Chat. All sessions are conducted by Dr. DeFoore.
  • Two Anger Management books, a single CD and a four CD program.
  • Helpful homework assignments between sessions to maximize your benefit.
  • A signed Certificate of Completion will be yours when you finish this program.

2. Advanced Anger Management Program:

This advanced program, entitled "Transforming Anger" is for you if you have more deep-seated issues, and/or if you have uncontrolled anger, or "extreme anger issues" as defined in the Anger Management Assessment on this site. These are also the anger management classes for you if you're involved in abusive relationships.

Here's what you will receive in this program:

  • An intensive12 session program conducted virtually through either Zoom or Google Chat. All sessions are led by Dr. DeFoore. Contact us using the form below for more detailed information about this program.
  • Included with this program are two Anger Management books, two single CDs, and a four CD program.
  • Homework assignments between sessions help to facilitate your progress and build your skills so that you get lasting results.
  • Your signed Certificate of Completion will be available at the conclusion of this anger management program.

Discover the  value and resources of anger management programs online.

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