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Marriage Counselling Stories
Read Others, Tell Yours And Get Help

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

You need marriage counselling if you're anything less than 
happy in your marriage. One of the best ways to learn is by reading the stories of others, and see how they got the help they needed. That's what you'll find right here.

You got married for love. That's the purpose of marriage...but what went wrong? When you answer that question, you're on the road to healing, and you're on the way back to love. 

When you read these great stories about other couples' struggles and healing and Dr. DeFoore's recommendations, you'll find encouragement and enthusiasm for your own marriage. You can also get some help for yourself.

Read Marriage Counselling Stories And Tell Your Own

Right here on this page you'll find dozens of stories and questions submitted by other good folks just like you, who just want to be happy in their marriages.

After reading a few, submit your own story or question. If it is accepted, it will be published on this site, along with suggestions by Dr. DeFoore. Just complete the form below to get started. Be sure to include:

  • A full description of the marriage issues you're dealing with in your marriage
  • Any background information that will help the reader to understand
  • The type of help you're looking for at this time

That's all you need to do. Get started reading others' stories now, or just fill out the form below.

What Kind Of Services Does Dr. DeFoore Offer?

If you have received or plan to receive professional help with your marriage, you will discover many different approaches according to the professional you are working with. Of course, what you're looking for is the best approach for you.

To help you with your decision, here is a description of Dr. DeFoore's approach:

  • Dr. DeFoore will always do his best to provide a comforting, positive environment for your counseling experience.
  • He will be clear and direct about the issues and obstacles you face, and he will teach you the skills you need for resolution.
  • You will have a clear understanding of the positive aspects of your relationship, and how to build on them for lasting success.
  • Dr. DeFoore will utilize his 40+ years of professional experience to provide you with the best possible counseling that he can offer. The rest is up to each couple. Inquire further about his services here.

I hope this is helpful to you, and answers some of your questions. Now, if you have more questions, or want to tell your story and get some free help by completing the form below.

Learn more about marriage counselling here.

Want Some
Free Marriage Counselling?
Have A Question Or Story?

Here's your chance to ask Dr. DeFoore about your situation. It can be about your own emotions, your spouse's problems or anything about your marriage. Tell your story with as much detail as possible, and if your submission is accepted, he will give you some free counseling.

Then, if selected, the results will be a web page on this site that will help others! So, there you go--help and be helped! By the way, you can be anonymous if you choose, but if you include at least your first name, it's better.

What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

I Can't Do Anything Without It Triggering A Fight 
I have been with my fiancé for five and a half years. Everything was great in the beginning. It was when we moved in together that everything changed. …

Don't Want To Leave But Want To Be Safe 
My husband and I have known each other for 8 years and married for 1.5 years now. Both of us are the eldest in our families. By nature we are both aggressive …

Is My 36 Year Emotionally Abusive Marriage Worth Saving? 
I am more than two years separated after 36 years of what I now realize was an emotionally abusive marriage. My husband constantly criticized and controlled …

My Husband And His Cousin's Daughter 
For the past three years, my husband and his cousin's adult daughter have become very close. It got to a stage where I felt like a visitor in my own …

Feeling Over-powered, Scared And Not Heard 
When I met my husband I believed everything was going to be okay ... I was naive and trustful. I never thought I would have been through so much heartache …

Should I Leave A Bad Marriage Even With A Small Child? 
I met my husband when we were both active duty in the Navy. We have been together for 6 years and married for 5. When I was still active duty everything …

Marriage That Is Confusing And At Times Hostile 
I have been married 20 years and for the last 2 months we have been separated. We both were so angry and hateful to each other he decided to leave. …

My Spouse Feels That All The Problem Is Me 
I am in a 2nd marriage, my husband in his 3rd. I entered this relationship feeling "if it doesn't work out, I can always leave". This is what I did...left. …

I Just Hit My Husband And Feel Like A Fool! 
I was so angry at my husband earlier today. I was talking to him (nagging him), and he walked away and said F*** this. I then walked up to his van and …

Please Help...I Hit My Husband 
It is so horrible to look at myself and realize I have become an abuser, especially of somebody I love. I am 30 years old, have 3 kids, 4 step kids …

Marriage That Is Hurtful  
I fell for a woman, agreed to get married, engaged her last year September. Seeing that I paid lobola, to cut the expenses of staying in different flats, …

Husband Won't Let Go Of The Past 
Dr. DeFoore, I'm a 37 year old mother of 3 children, and I have a loving husband but he has a lot of issues in his life. His mother gave him up as a child …

Emotionally Abusive Husband With Frequent Explosive Angry Outbursts 
My husband has incredibly scary anger outbursts. Seemingly small things that I say or do can result in these angry outbursts. He treats me like a small …

Getting Married To Someone With Anger Issues 
Nine months ago I met an amazing man. We met through mutual friends and it was an instant connection. And here we are nine months later and he recently …

Hair Trigger Anger In My Marriage 
How can I manage my anger? It happens so fast I cant stop it, and I really don't want it to happen. I yell right away, and I feel sorry after that. But …

Angry At My Husband For Monitoring My Parenting Of My Daughter 
My toddler has always been a good sleeper, except when she's sick. When she wakes me in the middle of the night, it makes me angry that my sleep is disturbed. …

My Wife Is Always Angry 
I'm a married man (five years ago), and I have a son. The problem I face always is that my wife exploits me. She knows that I love her very much, and I …

My Husband Keeps Leaving For Drugs And Other Women After 5 Years Not rated yet
I met my husband when I was 14 years old in my home church. We never dated until we were older, in our 30's. After a whirlwind relationship of 7 months …

Cancer Survivor Living With Explosive Husband Not rated yet
I've been married now about 16 years. Over the years, my husband has had an explosive anger problem. Oftentimes, I would feel that his anger came out …

My Husband Screams All The Time And My Heart Has Gone Numb Not rated yet
He yells all the time. He calls me a moron if I don't understand what he's saying and dare to ask a question. He calls himself a genius even though …

30 Years Of Verbal Abuse From My Husband Not rated yet
I have been married for 25 years and together for nearly 30 years, and unfortunately my husband has been verbally abusive throughout our relationship. …

Nothing Is Ever Good Enough For My Husband After 18 Years Of Marriage Not rated yet
I have been with my husband for almost 18 yrs, we were high school sweethearts. I got pregnant 1 yr after high school, but my husband continued to go …

Is This The Right Time To Leave My Marriage? Not rated yet
I'm not exactly sure where to start. I have so many mixed feelings and I don't know what to follow. My husband has been emotionally and physically …

My Husband Is At Rage Level And Won't Take Responsibility Not rated yet
Hi. I came across your site in search of how to deal or help my husband with an uncontrolled anger or get out of the situation. I am a mother of 3 …

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After 37 Years Of Marriage, What Do I Do? Not rated yet
As I have said in the title, we have been married 37 years. Here goes...early in marriage he was verbally abusive at times. Not often. Also I learned …

Hateful Husband With Bipolar Disorder Not rated yet
My husband and I have been together for 10 years, married for 5 and have an 8 year old. When our relationship started we were young and in school with …

Lost, Broken, Confused Not rated yet
After almost 3 years of trying my wife and I are calling it quits. She's had enough, I've come around to her point of view. So many issues of money and …

How Do I Manage My Anger When My Husband Picks Fights? Not rated yet
My husband and I are both under a great deal of stress right now. He needs to close his business and the company I have worked for over 15 years now is …

My Husband Is Emotionally Abusing Me And Controlling All Of The Money Not rated yet
Dear Dr. DeFoore. My husband has physically abused me about a year ago. I have pictures of bruises and my children were witnesses to the violence. …

My Husband Has Abused Me And My Children And I Am So Confused  Not rated yet
Dear Dr DeFoore, I have been married 9 years but we have known each other 13 years. For 2 years before we got married my husband physically abused me …

I Feel Like I Should Just Get Over It Not rated yet
OK so a quick overview of my past: My mom was abusive and neglectful to me and my 4 other siblings. I guess she was that way because her mother was abusive--the …

Walking On Eggshells Around My Husband's Fits Of Rage Not rated yet
This is about my husband's anger. He is the most loving and caring person I know. I know he loves me and our 2 children, however, there is the other side …

Intermittent Angry Husband Not rated yet
My husband is generally a good man. He is 44 and we have been together 19 years and through this time he has had to have anger management counseling after …

What Should I Do About My Husband And His Anger? Not rated yet
I would like to get some advice on this topic. When I met my husband, he was a funny, relaxed, caring person. When we moved together he was helpful. I …

Husband Flies Into A Rage Over Minor Things, Escalating Violence To Property And Pets Not rated yet
I have been with my husband for ten years, married for six, and have two beautiful young daughters (pre-school age). My husband has been controlling and …

My Husband Is A Great Person But Gets Defensive Not rated yet
I've been with my husband for 26 years. Everyone who knows my husband loves and respects him including me. With me he is extremely protective of anything …

Can My Marriage Be Saved? Not rated yet
I have been married for 8 years. One month after our marriage, major life stressors began to enter our lives. I feel like our marriage never gained a strong …

Very Distressed Over My Husband's Violent Rage Not rated yet
Dr DeFoore, I am a very distressed wife, mother of 3 children. My husband of a short period (1 year), for last 3 months has started showing violent rage …

Ready to Run From Marriage! Not rated yet
My wife and I have been married for about 7 or 8 years now. I come from a background of drug addicted cocaine abuse and have been clean for 15 years. …

Angry Husband In A 42 Year Marriage Not rated yet
My husband goes off at the least little thing. If I disagree with him in anyway, he yells at me. He never compliments me, he is never appreciative of anything …

The "No Romance Marriage" Not rated yet
About 8 years ago, my wife decided that closeness (physical) was not desired, and with that, an already weak joint physical attraction became total. …

On My Way Out Of A Bad Situation Not rated yet
I just read the story about the husband with spiraling aggression. My husband has always had a horrible temper. He has gone to the doctor, gotten antidepressants …

Husband Talking To Ex Girlfriend Behind My Back As We Are Having Problems Not rated yet
I just found out, in the midst of severe marriage problems, and also in the midst of many personal family issues, my husband has been confiding and sharing …

Husband Who Needs Help Not rated yet
I have a husband who has an anger problem. He is aware of it and insists on fixing it himself. I have tried to help as well. I am really not sure what …

My Anger Is Threatening Our Marriage, Please Help Not rated yet
My name is Kristi and I am only 23 years old, married for almost 2 years now. A little about my past real quick. My father died when I was 2, and my …

Frustrated Father And Husband Not rated yet
I am a frustrated father. Nothing I do to try and have a happy home seems to work. I do all the usual stuff a dad does--work, provide for my family and …

Marriage On The Brink Not rated yet
During my last verbal fight with my husband, I slammed the gate in anger. After I did this, he came at me and started shaking me and then threw me on the …

Confused Not rated yet
I have been married to my husband for 16 years. Up till last week, we were planning on remnewing our vows. Suddenly out of nowhere my husband said he needed …

Gin Is Poison Not rated yet
I have been married for 23 years, and have known this man since I was 18. We dated for 8 years before we married, so I thought I knew him. For many …

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Who Is Really To Blame? Not rated yet
I have had anger issues for as long as I can remember. Perhaps because I witnessed my father physically hit my mom, bash her head into the kitchen door …

Anger Destroying Marriage Not rated yet
For years now, I've been so angry. I thought I could handle it. I've never asked for help in my entire life. I was always the one to help. And now for …

My Marriage  Not rated yet
We have been married for more than 25 years. I have an anger I never knew when we got married. But over the years, I was treated so neglectfully by my …

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