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Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

We'd love to hear from you! Feel free to comment on the site, ask a question, or let us know if you'd like to schedule an appointment with Dr. DeFoore. 

You can call or text us at 214-764-7930, connect through our Facebook Page,  LinkedIn, or Psychology Today. or simply use the contact form below.

Our office location is:

525 South Carroll Blvd, Suite 200
Denton, Texas 76201

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Important Articles By Dr. DeFoore

Nonverbal Communication Skills--Learn about all of the many subtle cues you send to others about your anger, and how to use these skills to diffuse the anger of others.

Soothe Your Reptilian Brain--If you feel like "something takes over" when you're angry, or if you have blackouts or memory loss after your anger episodes, then your reptilian brain is in charge. Learn how to soothe your troubled brain for lasting anger control.

Dealing With Depression: Depression often has anger inside it, and expressing that anger in a healthy way can help to heal the depression. You don't have to live with ongoing depression.

Adult ADD Symptoms: Anger issues are often a part of attention deficit disorder, whether it's anger outbursts or suppressed anger. Either way, learning to express your anger in healthy ways and refocus your thoughts in a positive direction can greatly help you to manage or even eliminate your ADD symptoms.

Dealing With Stress: Learning to handle stress in healthy ways is a key to effective anger management. You can't really separate stress and anger, as they are very closely intertwined. Manage your stress and you'll be managing your anger. 

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