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Anger Management Help Books
And Audiobooks

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

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The anger management help you will find here works! Some of these products also help with panic and anxiety attacks (Meditation and Inner Child Series). You can preview each of these wonderful programs free, just click on the pictures or links below. Enjoy!

anger management techniques

Anger Management

Tried and true techniques and skills that will put you in charge of your anger and help you stay in charge! You can do this! Preview or buy now

inner child

Nurturing Your
Inner Child

A guided imagery process designed to help you heal old wounds and master the art of self love and self esteem. Preview or buy now


Love, Anger &

Learn how to move from anger to forgiveness and back to love, and avoid the pitfalls along the way. Get started today! Preview or buy now

anger meanagement

Anger:Deal With It Before It Deals With You

A comprehensive program covering anger and the problems of rage addiction and depression. Preview or buy now

healthy anger and health

healthy Anger
And Your Health

Learn what healthy anger is and how it can help you with your overall health and happiness. Preview of buy now

HAAD Audiobook

Healing Anger
And Depression

Discover the connection between anger and depression, and how to heal them  for good. Preview or buy now

child anger

Helping Your Children With Their Anger

Guidance for parents in understanding and helping their children with anger and temper tantrums. Preview or buy now

teen anger

Anger In Teens
A Guide For Parents

Teenage years are tough, and here's some help for parents in understanding and helping with the anger part. Preview or buy now

adolescent rites of passage

Adolescent Rites
Of Passage

Adolescents move from childhood to adulthood. Learn how to help with this transition. . Preview or buy now

marriage expectations

In Marriage

Marriage expectations determine outcomes, so find out how to make yours work for you not against you!  Preview or buy now

roles in marriage

Sacred Roles
In Marriage

You are playing many roles in your marriage, and when you take charge of that, you can create great relationships. Preview or buy now

sacred sexuality

Sacred Sexuality
In Relationships

Master the art of making love and keep the exciting romance going in your relationship from the beginning to end. Preview or buy now

finding the good

Goodfinding In LIfe
And Relationships

What you focus on is what you create. Focus on the good and create more joy and love than you dreamed of. Get started now.  Preview or buy now



 When you shift your focus to what is good, right, and working, your anger will dissolve. Master the power of focus. Preview or buy now

meditation and healing

Emotion & Healing

Learn to meditate and the many ways it can help you to heal and improve your physical & mental health and happiness. Start healing! Preview or buy now

finance and emotion

Financial Health
Emotional Wealth

Money and emotions can get all mixed up. Learn how to be smart and healthy with both at the same time. Preview or buy now

healthy aging

Elegant Aging
Grow Wise & Strong

Aging does not have to be the sad journey you fear. Learn how to use your mind to stay strong and clear minded as you age. Preview or buy now

Anger Management Help In Books & Ebooks

These three books will basically take you from "A to Z" in the process of healing emotional wounds and getting the anger management help you are looking for. You can also overcome depression, anxiety and grief issues using the methods you will find in these books! Become your own anger management resource when you read these excellent resources.

anger management book

Anger: Deal With It, Heal With It, Stop It From Killing You

Comprehensive approach to get the heart of the matter with the anger management help you need. Get a 10 step plan to take you to the success you're looking for. Learn more or buy now

spirituality and anger

Anger Among Angels
Light on the darkness of the human soul

Discover the power within you where anger meets with your good heart. Learn to embrace the totality of who you are and become a healthy, whole person. Learn more or buy now

goodfinding book

A User's Guide To EQ And Your Brilliant Mind

When you shift your focus to what is good, right, and working, your anger will dissolve. Discover the power of your positive mental focus. Learn more or buy now

self discovery book

An Inner Journey to Bring The Children Home

Take a magical journey into the heart of who you really are, and discover the beauty and complexity of your miraculous self along the way. You'll like what you find. Learn more or buy now

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