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ADD Treatments
That Get To The Cause And Really Work

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

ADD Treatments don't have to lead to medication and therapy. You can be in charge of your own treatment for ADD. 

Our focus here is emotional healing for attention deficit disorder in adults, with tools, information and techniques for taking charge and creating lasting solutions.

The important thing here is that you're learning about a solution to ADD treatment that is in your hands, and that you can use right away in the comfort of your home.

You have a lot more power to change than you may have known. Your brilliant mind is a tool for healing, if you learn to use it properly. 

We didn't get a user's manual with these brains, and so most folks don't learn how to make their brain work for them instead of against them. Well, that's a little bit of what you're going to get here.

ADD Treatments For Adults

What does my inner child have to do with ADD? Well, if you are connected with something emotionally (that's your inner child talking), then you have no trouble paying attention to it!

Likewise, if you are doing something that doesn't connect with your heart and/or passion (there's your inner child again), then you won't be able to pay attention as well or at all. Here's how it works:

  • What you pay attention to and how long you pay attention to it is directly tied to your emotions.
  • If you love something, are fascinated with it, or excited about it, then you don't have any ADD symptoms at all while you're focused on it.
  • Your inner child is the "representative" of your heart, your excitement and your passion. Get the audio CD, also available as an MP3 download, and learn more.

So, how did things get so scattered? How did my inner child get so upset, distracted and/or shut down? It happened because you're a human being that was raised by human beings.

In other words, one way or another, your childhood was far less than perfect. And that caused you pain, sorrow, fear, anger and other emotions that may have never been addressed.

The Nurturing Your Inner Child audio CD/download program will take you through an emotional healing process that will sort things out for you and help you reconnect with your good heart and passion--the keys to great concentration and long-lasting focus!

Preview the program now, and then get your copy  in ebook or audibook  format.

And watch this wonderful video that shows how the educational system bears some of the responsibility for the "epidemic" of ADHD: 

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