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Quick Pint At The Pub

by Darren

I have a partner that is currently not able to see that I have changed and things around me are no longer as important in life as they were. I am divorced. We split up after we argued too much.

We were arguing about our children and money, which did not help the relationship and we split for a time. During this time I used all sorts of sites and contacts to fulfill my needs. Once I divorced my wife, I started a relationship with a lovely caring woman that I am still seeing. We had a long discussion about history and the past and I disclosed what I had done.

We have been seeing each other for sometime now (2 years) and have had problems since I disclosed all--possibly a bad thing in hindsight.

The tale I regale today is a simple one. It is the 29th of December and a good colleague is working in the same office as me this week. So I thought after a quick decision that we might as well go for a quick pint in the pub. Unfortunately this was not planned with my partner who is now very upset that I did not advise her.

This is a typical flash point, but recently I have began to ignore her rants and attempts to upset me. She uses history as a weapon to try to upset and anger me so she can get a response. If I do respond, it can be a snap and usually means I have lost control and escalation happens where we are shouting at each other.

I can be a very snappy person, if pushed way beyond a normal argument. Is there anything I can actually do to help with my anger issues.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Darren, and thanks for telling your story here. You will find the help you're looking for on our FAQ page. Follow the recommendations you find there, and you will be much better at controlling your anger.

Believe in yourself, and do this for you.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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