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From Mr. Right To Mr. Do Me Wrong

by Jenny
(United Kingdom)

I've been with my partner for 2 years, at first he was Mr. perfect and I couldn't have wished for anyone better. We fell in love really quick and were happy for a while.

After a while I started staying away most of the time, getting himself in trouble with the law and thinking that was okay, he started to act possessive of me and read my messages, seeing things in messages that weren't there and calls me a liar constantly when I'm not.

He recently went to jail and I stood by him writing every week going on fortnightly visits, and even sending him money. When he got out we were perfect until he started using drugs and all this. Vile and violent behavior became more and more!

He has been diagnosed with psychosis and we are currently awaiting psychiatric evaluation, but I seem to be struggling more and more to cope. Is it best to get him sectioned before he harms himself further or me?

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Jenny, and thanks for telling your story here. I'm not sure what "sectioned" means, but if it is a way to insure your safety and his, then it may well be your best choice. One thing is for sure, and that is that you have to take care of yourself. You're the only one who can.

This relationship does not sound safe for you. It also sounds like you may be putting your partner above yourself in some ways. This will never work, no matter how healthy a relationship is. It's important that you learn to make your health and happiness a top priority in your own life.

Do whatever you need to do to shift your focus to your own well being, which will probably mean distancing yourself your partner. I think it will help you to read these pages on relationships:

relationship advice
letting go of a relationship

Be good to yourself, Jenny. That is where all good relationships begin.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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