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Anger Issues
Learn From Others & Get Help Now

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

Work on your anger issues so that they don't work on you. 
Emotional problems are subconscious, but that doesn't mean they aren't active and powerful. Here is where you will learn to be more consciously aware of your anger, so that you can heal it and act responsibly.

Nobody ever chooses to have anger problems, but they affect many people ever day. As a matter of fact, you'll find stories from a lot of good people just like you, right here on this page.

Scroll down, and you'll find the titles and a brief description of dozens of great stories, with recommendations from me, Dr. DeFoore, about how to deal with the anger control problems involved.

Get involved, and tell your own story! 

Submit Your Anger Issues Stories Here

Simply tell your story or ask your question, by filling in the form below. Be sure and include:

  • A full description of your anger issues, or the anger problems of others that you want help with
  • Any background information you think may be relevant
  • What your needs are at this time

That's all there is to it. If accepted, your story will be published on this site, along with Dr. DeFoore's response and guidance to your anger issues. 

Have A Great Story Or Question
About Anger Management?

Whether it's shocking, funny or infuriating, we'd like to hear your stories and questions about anger management.

You have questions or stories to tell, or you wouldn't be on this site. If you'd like some help, you can get help here. You may feel helped just by writing!

Also, other visitors might be able to help with their comments, stories and questions. Sometimes I (Dr. DeFoore here) offer comments, and I try to answer most of the questions.

Feel free to also review our FAQ page (frequently asked questions), to see if your question has already been answered.

Other Visitors' Stories And Questions

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

It Can't Be Too Late For Us 
My girlfriend and I of three years are in a bad place. When we first met, we were both in bad spots. Emotionally, professionally, and financially. …

I Have A Problem That's Destroying Me And My Relationships 
Okay. So I guess I should sum up the problems of a relationship I was in 3 years ago. My ex lied to me every day for a year about numerous things. He …

Angry Child Equals Angry Adult 
Hello there. Well, I'm new at this. I was just browsing around looking into more info about anger management because of my anger issues that are continuously …

Moving Forward When I Still Feel Like The Bad Kid 
This is a long post, I know, and I ask for the pardoning of such this once. I am feeling sort of between a rock and a hard place with my life, and I feel …

Something Is Wrong With Me 
I know I have a bad anger problem. I'm 30 and had a really rough life. Eight years in prison, never had friends, have a lot of trust issues with women, …

Compulsive Anger Addict 
Hi. I am 25 years old female. I am a very pleasant person, very accommodating, sweet, social and friendly. I have been seen as short-tempered. When …

Uncontrollable Anger Over Trivial Stuff 
I was one of those kids that would feel persecuted and get so mad I'd destroy objects that meant a lot to me. And then I would realize what I had done …

Angry Or Stupid? 
The love of my life is cheating on me and has been for 6 months. However, I am 18 years old, and he is 22. We moved across the globe to run a business, …

Afraid Of Being Locked Up 
Well I have always known I had an anger problem but I never want help. I grew up thinking you were weak to ask for help so I never asked for help. I drink …

How To Handle Meeting With Someone I Hate Not rated yet
Hello. My name is Kei, I live in Korea, and I am in my late twenties. I have some unresolved and ongoing issues with my older brother (50 y/o) and sister …

I Have Unresolved Anger And It's Hurting My Health Not rated yet
I grew up in a crazy household. My Father's emotional loyalty lay with his birth family, whom he could never tolerate a word against, never mind that …

I'm Having Anger Blackouts And I Feel Broken Not rated yet
Recently, I've blacked out twice within a week. I've been blacking out since I was 6 or 7 and I've never gotten help. My anger only comes when I've …

I Don't Mean To Be Mean Not rated yet
My dad was a good father, but he wasn't a good husband to my mom. I recall as a very young child being the buffer between them in an argument. It was …

My Angry, Critical Self Needs Help! Not rated yet
I have been in a relationship currently for almost 7 months and find myself constantly criticizing, judging, putting down and one-upping my boyfriend. …

I Am So Confused About Whether I Have An Anger Problem Not rated yet
I am 22 yrs old, and I think I have an anger problem. My anger is completely ruining my life. My boyfriend and I have been together for 7yrs. We argue, …

Rage Over Slightest Disappointments Not rated yet
I have kept a lot of past events buried under me and I really do not think that my parents understand this part of me who thinks I have my own thoughts …

A Complicated Anger Problem Not rated yet
I have recently become concerned with the levels of anger I have been experiencing. I have very often found myself wishing to severely physically harm …

I Feel So Full Of Anger! Not rated yet
I grew up with an alcoholic father who was abusive to my mother and not very kind to my three sisters and my one brother and myself. Life was very hard …

Young, Angry And Hopeless Not rated yet
I am young, yet I feel so old and tired. I'm a teenager and I know I should not be feeling like this. I can't help it though. I hate so many things …

I Am Angry As Hell And Acting Like My Mother And Grandmother Not rated yet
I am angry as hell. Over the last 3 years all hell has broken loose. The company I had worked for over 10 years shut down leaving me going to another company …

Am I A Loser? Not rated yet
Over the past year and a half, my husband of 23 yrs has been cheating on me. She has allowed him to have sex with her and her girlfriend and cousin along …

Losing Control Not rated yet
I feel like the worst person in the world. While growing up I've always been the outsider, feeling like I was never accepted by my family. Nobody ever …

At The End Not rated yet
Within the past four months I have noticed a complete change in my attitude, with others and myself. It seems like I have too many problems to handle. …

Too Young To Be This Angry Not rated yet
I'm a 20 year old female working part time and going to school. Most things in my life don't annoy me to the point that my mother does. Although I do find …

Click here to write your own.

The Monster Inside Me And The Many Phases Of My Process Not rated yet
My monster inside me has attacked many, many places. At the young age I am now, though, I am one that never cries or gets angry. I am proud of this because …

Drug Abuse, Anger, Self Loathing And Destruction Not rated yet
I am a 30 year old woman with a 3 year old and a 1 year old, both boys. I seem to be so verbally angry and aggressive as if I have no control. I know I'm …

Stay Or Move On? Not rated yet
I am 18 yrs old, seeking professional help because I am very confused with life. My boyfriend who is now my ex boyfriend--we're in a relationship for a …

Helping My Son's Friend Deal With Anger At Home Not rated yet
My son's friend has run away several times. My doors are always open as I do not agree a teen should stay in the streets. He is 19. His problem as …

For The Grandkids' Sake Not rated yet
Me and my family hit rock bottom. My job was barely giving me hours and I've been on leave to have our 2nd baby girl. My mother-in-law wanted to help us …

Am I Angry Or Do I Just Get Pushed To The Limit? Not rated yet
I grew up with 4 older brothers who picked on me and were not loving. I learned to be cocky, hide my feelings and strike out at others. I say it like it …

Response To Kim Not rated yet
Hello Kim, and thanks for telling your story here. (please see Kim's story here: What Do You Think Is Wrong With Me? ) I can tell you are a bright …

What Do You Think Is Wrong With Me? Not rated yet
Dr.De Foore: I am not very good at explaining this, but I am going to try. First of all, I don't believe too much in psychologists or any kind of stuff …

Mild Anger and Stressed out Not rated yet
First, thanks for this website. I am a non-traditional college student, and I surfed the web for a Wellness Program assignment. I have taken the matter …

What To Do? Not rated yet
I am an overweight divorced mother of two. I believe in a higher power, yet I believe there is more I need to do, but this is where I am stuck. I get …

Been Through Enough Not rated yet
Dear Dr, please help. I don't know who to turn to. I'm 32 years old and as far as I'm aware I've had an anger problem since my 1st relationship. My mum …

Livid Over Little Unimportant Things-Please Help Me Not rated yet
Hi, I am 40 years old and have three children. My oldest, 24, is living nearby, and my 3 year old son and my 2 year old daughter are the greatest gifts …

I Become Enraged When I've Been Wronged Not rated yet
I have recently (within the last year) been diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, severe and chronic depression …

I Get Angry At Every Small Thing Not rated yet
I find ways to get angry at every single thing in my life! Even when I am not winning on a silly Ipod game, I start hitting myself and I find the urge …

Seemingly Out Of The Blue Not rated yet
My boyfriend and I are on vacation. We were having a really good time one night after spending the day at the beach. We were drinking beer on the beach …

My Warrior Spirit Rescued My Inner Child Not rated yet
When I was a baby, my mother used to pick me up and dig her fingers into my kidneys specifically to hurt me. It was not just pain, it was torture of the …

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