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Two Days Of Road Rage -- What Did I Do?

by Anonymous

For the past two days I have been the victim of being flipped the bird because of my driving. I also got beeped at while waiting for two cars ahead of me and the person behind me to make the same right turn.

The city I live in has a lot of inpatient drivers who do not treat others with kindness, dignity or respect. I have not been able to get these incidents off of my mind. They happen to me so frequently that it leaves me wondering what did I do wrong and what I can do to make sure I am not the victim anymore.

I appreciate this article because it did give a new perspective on revenge for me. Though I am still not happy about what happened to me and I am sure it won't be the last time, at least now I feel like I have the tools to help me next time it happens.

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Sep 10, 2016
Good For You For Your Self Reflection
by: Dr. DeFoore

Hello, and thanks for your interesting story. I'm glad you found the page to be helpful, and that you're taking a look at yourself to figure out what you're doing to contribute to the problem.

That's always a good thing to do, even when it seems like you're clearly a victim of other people's bad behavior. At the very least, it gives you a sense of some degree of control, instead of feeling like a helpless victim.

From your submission, I can't tell what, if anything you may or may not have done to contribute to the road rage you're seeing around you.

I can, however, make some suggestions that will help. First, read this page on road rage, and it will give you some more ideas of how to stay safe on the road.

Before taking a road trip, my wife and I look at each other and say, "Safe, smooth, swift and fun journey ahead, surrounded by friendly, courteous drivers." Give it a try. It's called "setting your intention."

Then, go a step further and visualize your trip (however long or short), with a good experience. In other words, picture yourself relaxed, and having good experiences as you move through traffic. This will help, especially if you do it every time, no matter what.

My very best to you, and thanks for your positive comments about this article.

Dr. DeFoore

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