by Kayleigh
(North Carolina)
This is actually a problem in my life right now. And I need your help. There is a girl on my bus. She is a year younger than me. She is popular. I sit behind her.
She asked me my name and I told her. Then she started screaming my name in an accent. She continously mocks me in her accent. She tells me how she likes my glasses and my scarf, both of which are dorky.
I'm not unpopular at school. I'm just a regular kid.
I tried to ignore her. That didn't work. I asked her to stop. That didn't work. I told her that I knew that she just wanted attention. That didn't work. I told her to do it to someone else. That didn't work.
Some other kids on my bus have told her to stop because her accent is annoying. She still doesn't stop.
I don't wanna include my mom. She will blow things out of proportion because she loves me too much. I wanna tell the bus driver. But I don't think she will be effective. Especially since she hasn't said/done anything. I need your help.
Response from Dr. DeFoore
Hello Kayleigh, and thanks for telling your story here. Getting bullied is tough, and it's not always easy to know what to do. You sound like a smart girl, and you've tried some good things--but like you said, they didn't work. I will try to help.
I'm going to throw out some things, you look them over, and if any of them sound good to you, give them a try. I think the answer is in you, so I strongly encourage you to trust yourself.
Every morning when you get up, do a visualizing exercise where you picture one or more of the following things:
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