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My Emotional Reaction Leads To Reckless & Aggressive Driving

by Rob
(Exeter, UK)

I'm a young man who loves the sense of freedom and exhilaration of driving a vehicle and like to think I'm actually a very competent driver.

Although I'm usually sensible and safe behind the wheel and am often courteous to others by flashing to let them go first or exit a difficult or busy junction, I often find myself becoming impatient and enraged with other motorists, particularly if they are very slow, don't signal, cut you up or don't say thanks.

If someone tailgates me I never let it make me speed up and often go slower to express that I will not be bullied.

Occasionally and sometimes unreasonably, unbridled rage consumes me to the point where it results in irresponsible and frankly reckless behaviour behind the wheel, such as cutting people up in a 30mph zone with only inches to spare!

I think in most cases both drivers are partly to blame and agree that if you are calm and relaxed you tend to attract less anger from others and if you don't react negatively then the incident is often over very quickly.

I know it's not really me who reacts in such a way but my egoic mind hell-bent on revenge and domination.

When you are enraged you are not focused on living in the present moment. In my 9 years of driving I've had way too many close calls - although no accidents - so must now take full control of emotions and actions.

I deeply respect other people's stories and advice offered on this website - I can relate to it all and find it so helpful in managing my anger!

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Dec 08, 2017
Good Contribution
by: Dr. DeFoore

Hi Rob

I appreciate the clarity and honesty of your story. You're taking responsibility for your part, and committing to improving.

Good for you! Keep up the good work.

Enjoy driving...make up your mind that you will always enjoy your driving experience, which will require that you drive in a way that does not trigger your rage.

Safe and pleasurable travels to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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