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Man-hating College Instructor

by Tim
(Fort Collins, CO)

I go to school at a local community college and I have an online class about Health and Wellness. This instructor that is instructing the class always changes the deadlines for the assignments, is always making snide remarks about how men are not as smart as women and how she intends to push her agenda to make sure that men are not a part of this world, except as second class citizens.

I have contacted her supervisor to no avail. I have written to government officials and politicians and still nothing will get done about this "witch". I have written her letters and asked if we could meet and discuss this matter. She refuses and because of changing the due dates on the assignments I have missed turning in 4 assignments this semester. And I really do believe that she is doing this intentionally. What should I do?

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Tim, and thanks for telling your story here. It is very clear that you feel like you're being treated unfairly, and everything you have tried to do to resolve the situation has failed. I know that can be very frustrating, especially when it is a threat to your academic standing.

It sounds like your best approach will be to focus on what you can do, rather than what you can't do. You can't change this instructor's mind, or change the way she teaches. You can't get her to meet with you, or get anyone over her to reprimand her.

What you can do is step out of the victim role, and focus on getting your assignments in early enough that her changing due dates does not affect you. Regarding her comments about men, I suggest that you focus on what you think of yourself, and just keep your mind focused on getting through the class and moving on. At that point, this woman will be a part of your past.

If this doesn't help, or if you find yourself continuing to focus on this, then I suggest you do the anger journaling described on this page. This will help you express your anger in a healthy way, and not in a way that jeopardizes your position.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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