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I'm Worried About My Anger And Walking Around The Block Isn't Working Any More

by Emily

I'm worried about my anger. Last year me and my dad sat down and talked about how to relieve myself of anger, and the thing I decided on was going for walks around the park down the street from my house.

This year it hasn't been working. Normally what happens is I ask for help from my mom, and then we disagree on something and it turns into a big yelling argument. I go out for a walk and think about what we were arguing about, and look around at the plants. But instead of feeling calm I come back inside, and the angry feeling is even worse.

One thing you should know is I am an artist in drawing. I've never been good at writing, yet lately I keep writing poems and showing them to my friends. Everyone comments on the fact that they are extremely emotional. Do you think writing could help me control my anger, because walking doesn't seem to help anymore?

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Emily, and thanks for telling your story here. Absolutely yes, I think writing will help you. I also think drawing will help you.

Draw a picture of your anger, and you can submit it on this site if you like, with another story (or poem) telling what you got from the experience. Keep doing this until it feels like you've "captured" the essence of your anger in the image.

And use the journaling techniques described on this page to help you with the writing.

There is "gold in the shadow" of anger. Use your drawing and writing to find the value in these powerful emotions. That value will point you to the goodness and value of who you are deep inside.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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