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I'm 14 And Anger Is My Whole Life

by Jo
(Oklahoma )

I guess it starts when I was little. That's when my life went downhill. My parents broke up when I was four, because of the things my brother did to us and also because my mom and dad both had anger problems. Somewhat anyway, but not bad. Just enough.

I had anger issues before that though. And now that I'm a teen it doesn't help. I've had classes before but it didn't help. It doesn't help that my mom's newest husband and I don't get along either.

I'm also self conscious. But when someone says something to me that is negative I just get this tight burning sensation in my stomach. And it makes me want to hurt them very badly. But I stop my self. And when I get angry, I yell and I start to shake and the only thing anyone does for me is yell at me back and tell me to go to my room. And that just makes it worse. And it makes me not want to tell my mom anything.

Aren't mother and daughter supposed to be close and talk about things? I've had people ask what's wrong with me or are you crazy. That makes it worse. I've tried talking to councilors but I don't like it. It's weird. The way they look at me when I tell them my problems and about my life.

I know I have issues but how can I help myself if no one is offering to help me or even trying to! I'm starting to get really depressed. And I try going to god and praying to be good, but that didn't work.

I even tried forgiving. Nope. How can I help myself to have a healthy normal life to where I don't want to harm everyone who says something wrong to me? I have "daddy issues" I guess that what the many councilors I've been to said.

So help me help myself, please! (I've also started turning to drugs.)

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Jo, and thanks for telling your story here. I will try to help you. The first thing is, you have to stop doing drugs. If you keep doing drugs, then nothing I suggest will help. So if you can't stop on your own, then find a Narcotics Anonymous group to join, where you will get support and a sponsor.

Once you have stopped doing drugs, you will find the help you need on our FAQ page. There is a question there that is just for teenagers like you, who want to help themselves.

Believe in yourself, Jo. Make up your mind that you're going to do this for you. You are worth it.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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