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I Got In A Bad Fight With My Mom

by Anonymous

I am very young but I still feel like I have problems. Me and my mom got into a really bad fight and I have just been blowing up on everybody that has done something wrong or mean to me or my friends. And I hate that I do that.

The first fight was a long while ago and now they happen more often. I just don't know what to do. My old counselor at my old school told me I have to take anger classes or pills. Which I think blew me up, and that's how I got out of control.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello, and thanks for telling your story here. There is a lot more to your story than I know, so I'll try to help from what you have told me here.

First, I suggest that you do the exercises described on this FAQ page. This is designed for adults, but you sound like a very smart young person, and I think you can use some or all of the techniques.

I wonder why your counselor telling you that you have to take anger classes or pills "blew you up." Could it be that your anger is coming from family problems? For young people living at home with their parents, that is often the case. If you're old enough, it might be helpful for you to do an exercise for letting go of your parents emotionally, as described on this page.

Whatever you do, be sure and do the three journaling processes described on the FAQ link above. That will help you, no matter what, especially if you do them consistently for a few months.

Believe in yourself and the goodness of your heart. You are a good person, and you want to be a good influence on the world around you. That's why you told your story here.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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