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I Don't Know Who Do I Love

by Madline
(Alex, Egypt)

Actually I was in relationship with a boy I really liked, but then without any reason we left each other. then I went in to another relationship with another guy, and my ex returned to talk to me.

I was really happy and I told him that I really love him and I wish to be back with him. When he told me that he will forgive me if I broke up with the other guy. I refused because I didn't want to let the other guy down because he really loves me even more than my ex.

So my ex blocked me and removed me from his Facebook and told me that from this moment I am out of his life. I was sad and sometimes I feel that I really miss him. And then for any simple reason I fight with my boyfriend to break up, so I'll be able to return back to my ex.

But I don't know if what I am doing is right or not. I don't know who do I really love even if I love my ex.

Why did I really care for my boyfriend's feelings and I refused to continue with him? Someone please answer me because I feel I am going mad soon. Please help me!

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Madline, and thanks for telling your story here. You're in a relationship addiction pattern. This is not really love, although it feels like it some of the time.

The following pages were written specifically to help people in your situation. Follow all of the recommendations you find there, and hopefully that will help you to start taking care of yourself and help you to stay out of relationships with men until you are more emotionally healthy yourself. You have to come first, and right now, you're sacrificing your own well being because of these relationships.

Read this page, and do the recommended exercises, and you will receive great benefit: how to deal with abusive relationships.

Believe in yourself, Madline. You can do this. It's time for you to create a good life for yourself, and for the time being, let these boyfriends go.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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