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I Don't Know What To Do And When To Let Go And Move On

by Anonymous

I have used this website as my release from my own internal anger and depression.

I don't know what to do. As my previous stories mention my relationship has taken a toll that was never expected. We separated back in October and have been still back and forth since then. He has come to me many times telling me that we still have a future ahead of us and many beautiful moments to live through. He has told me that things will never ever be the same and that he has changed and that he will never disrespect me verbally or in any other way again. On the other hand, my family would rather that I not get back in this relationship for the reasons that all mothers have--"he's not the man for you".

He tells me that he is willing to be there for me and do anything for me but then again we have given this many tries and I'm simply confused.When I'm with him I have a good time and we can laugh and talk and when I'm not with him its pretty much like if I don't need to call him or can actually live without seeing him.

I feel cold hearted because all I can say is "OK" whenever he has anything to say about me or towards me.

I don't know if to give this one last try and probably lose more time of my life or just give it a rest and let it go. I don't want to hurt him either. I mean, I know for a fact that I would be able to surpass this relationship, but on the other hand I do not want to regret later or think that maybe I should have disregarded everything else and given it another try.

Again, knowing that my family would not support my relationship would mean more problems in my household and insecurities from my part. Then I stop to think, this man has at some point treated me in good ways and I know that he can give me more but then I stop and think what happens if just one day we both lose it and everything goes back to normal and as horrible as it was before.

Please help me, I don't want to feel like I'm landing in a depression. I feel like I have the answer in my own hands and I don't realize it or even notice it.

I don't know what to do.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello, and thanks for telling your story here. I'm glad you find it helpful to write about your feelings on this site.

You will find the answers to your questions at #3 and #1 on our FAQ page. Follow these recommendations, and do the journaling exercises recommended, and you will find the answers from within your own wisdom.

Also read about letting go of a relationship, which will help you as well.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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