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Don't Let The Bully Get The Best Of You

by Michael
(Huntington, N.Y.)

It was a long long time ago when I was a child about 11 years old and there was this kid named John and he was the school bully. He was always harassing and pushing people around and nobody liked it. Everyone was just afraid of this kid.

Teachers never saw what he was doing as he always harassed and pushed people around without anyone looking. He was on my bus on the way home and he would do the same thing to me and to other people. I was letting him get the best of me and I was getting very aggravated.

It was not everyday that I was the target, he would pick and choose who he felt like bothering for that day. The next 2 years I was in a different class than him so I was not bullied by him for that time and I was not taking the bus then either. The very next year I was 14 years old and of course John ended up in 2 of my classes for this year and I was also taking the bus again that year.

Yet again the bullying began and I was at my boiling point with him. About 1 month into the school year as I was taking the bus home from school I was wearing a winter hat and he pulled it from my head and would not give it back. That was the last straw for me and I got the courage to tell him to give it back to me or I am going to kick your ass when we get off the bus.

Well,that ended up being a huge mistake on his part. We threw a few punches and were missing until I came across with a big right that caught him in his left eye. Well to my surprise he was knocked straight to the ground on one punch and it took him a while to get up. When he did get up I told him if you ever mess with me again this will happen again.

It took me a while but in the end I did not let this bully get the best of me and he never harassed me ever again and neither did anyone else. I am not saying you should fight people but enough was enough. I did what I had to do and found a way to end it all.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Thanks, Michael. This is a good story, and I think others can relate. It is always a good thing when someone stands up to the bully. And sometimes the bullies are really afraid, and not that tough to begin with.

It is a good thing to understand that bullies are scared, which is why they bully. Bullying is not strong, it's weak, and it comes from weakness.

But you're coming from strength, here, Michael.

Make up your mind to be the strong and powerful person you want to be, and that is exactly what you will be.

My best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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