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Birthmothers Never Forget

by Anonymous

Six years ago I gave birth to a sweet little boy. I however, am not blessed enough to raise him as my own. I just wanted everyone to remember that a birth mother loves her child so much, that she allows herself to have a lifetime of pain, so he/she can be as happy as possible.

If you are an adopted child, and you do not know your birth mother...please know she loves you even to this very day, and unto death.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Thank you for this beautiful contribution. I will do my best to see that your message goes out to as many people as possible, so that all who would benefit from reading it will have the opportunity.

Many blessings to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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Jul 19, 2010
Thank you, birthmothers
by: Anonymous

I have an adopted son whom I love more than life itself. Every year, on his birthday, I thank his birthmom for her great gift to me ~ I send out a thank you message into the universe so it can reach her so she knows her son is well taken care of, unconditionally loved, and is told about his history, as we know it. We're all connected in one way or another ~ THANK YOU dear hearts.

Jun 06, 2010
New perspective
by: Mrs. Moore

Oh wow! Thank you so much for reminding me of that fact. I don't hear to much about the birth mothers who gave up their babies. I never considered how much their hearts could break and that they would be grieving just like a Mom whose child has died. It's so simple to understand that birth mothers have lost a child as well.

I send my condolences out to all birth mothers who might be reading this. Your sacrifice is biter sweet.

Apr 02, 2010
Important Message
by: Dr. DeFoore

I think this is a very important message for birthmothers and adopted children/adults to hear. There is a lot of silent pain that goes on in this area of grief and loss, and this person's contribution speaks to that with a sense of dignity and grace.

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