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Feb 16, 2017
Betrayal From Boss
by: Anonymous

Hi - Last year I was betrayed by my boss. One guy was leaving and he promised that I would get the position. When it came to interviews, two people were shortlisted (me and another lady).

Guess what! They gave the position to the other lady and told me I did not get it because I did not have project experience. When he told me it felt like he had put a knife in my heart right there and then. When he promised me the position he knew I had no project experience. Had he just told me the other candidate was better than myself it would have been better than what he said to me.

Even now I hate going to work, if I did not have a child I would have tendered my resignation the day he told me I did not get the job, I am constantly praying to God to take me away from this work environment because every time I look at him, I see the betrayal over and over again.

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