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Always Snappy And Mad At My Husband And Son But Nice To My Daughter

by Tiffany
(Longview Tx.)

I am always in a bad mood and for no reason at all. I'm mean to my husband and son. I'm mean to my mom and grandma and sometimes people in general. Mainly my husband and son.

I'm only really nice to my daughter. I don't know what's wrong with me. My husband is very nice, caring, and loving. He is so tired of my bad attitude and had wanted to leave me but he stayed and has cheated on me. I don't blame him, because I'm a bitch!

I love him and my son so much but I don't know why I'm so cold. I know I need help but it feels better to be in control and mean than nice. I don't like him to touch me but when he doesn't, I pick fights.

If I get really mad I will try to fight him so he can feel my pain. I could go on and on but I hope this helps you understand my situation. I really need and want to help myself.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Tiffany, and thanks for telling your story here. I want you to consider that you're not a bad person, even though you don't like how you act. The reason you want to change and help yourself, for example, is because you are a good person and you want to act that way.

I suggest you read the suggestions with question #1 on our FAQ page. Follow all of those recommendations, and I think you'll start to feel some benefit. Especially the journaling, which gives you a place to put your anger, and a way to start shifting you attitude to the positive.

I think you've had some severe trauma in your background, from what you've written here. The trauma writing process will help you to work through that.

These exercises are fairly simple, but by no means easy to complete. If you do them repeatedly, and follow all of the instructions in total detail, you will get benefit.

When you're ready, you need to start working on your self esteem. These CDs will help you with that.

Make up your mind to heal, Tiffany, and you will.

You can do this.s

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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