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After Years Of Abuse I've Cut Them Off

by Anonymous

When I was 11 turning 12, I moved with my father and stepmother. I quickly learned that she resented me. My father typed up pages of horrible allegations about my real mother and made me and my brother sit down on the sofa across from them while I had to read the hateful pages about my mother out loud.

Through the years we were constantly terrorized. We were "spics" and "niggers" since my real mother was of Central American ethnicity. We did all of the chores while the stepmom’s kids didn’t have to lift a finger. We were bullied and put down non-stop.

My father did not take up for us. He would scream or hit us to please her. There was never any love or support. I was a runner in school, but since I enjoyed it and I was good at it, the stepmom made me quit.

We were barely ever allowed out of the house. When I was a teenager I confided in an aunt, but when my father and stepmom found out, we were no longer allowed to see her and my cousins anymore.

I left as soon as I graduated high school. They told me that no one loved me and that I would be a homeless failure etc. I’m 36 now, and I have a beautiful son. I have decided to let the crazy parents go since they still have bullied me in my adult years.

I feel bad for my son, but its best that we are not around them. It stinks that there are such cruel people in this world but there is nothing that you can do to change them. I have definitely learned that.

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Jun 26, 2016
Your Future Is Wide Open
by: Dr. DeFoore

Hello, and thank you for telling your story here. Good for you...for being a runner (get back to it if you haven't already).

Good for you for cutting yourself off from abusive relationships, as difficult and painful as that may be, in your circumstances it seems to be clearly the right choice for you and your child.

There is residual damage from child abuse, as you probably know. You will find some help for healing those emotional wounds on this page. If you choose to do this, be sure and stay with it long enough to benefit. This is a do-it-yourself therapeutic process, and something tells me you're the kind of person who has the strength to do the work and get the results you want.

I wish you all the best in the future life that you choose for yourself.

Dr. DeFoore

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