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Road Rage Experience From A Public Transit Rider

by Scott
(San Jose, Ca, U.S.)

I take the bus as much as I drive. I realized when I was younger I got really angry at large trucks or buses being in front of me.

After being a rider for a long period of time, my driving attitude came with more compassion. I really think there should be a law when cutting off a bus. It's harder for large vehicles to brake instantly.

I remember a bus was heading to the light but an impatient driver cut off the bus inches away at the crosswalk. The car couldn't just let the bus turn right first. The reaction caused around twenty passengers including me to lean forward due to the braking force of the bus.

I'm actually more cautious around buses due to the many passengers inside. If an accident occurred, the bus driver would get the penalty and not the driver in the front.

Another incident was when a passenger was trying to get inside the bus, I heard honking in the back while the old lady was entering. The reason was the lane stopped because the bus stopped for a passenger. When a large vehicle needs to change lanes, let them.

I notice in the freeway when a large truck turns on their signal, it's more of a signal to race beside it to get ahead of them. Buses contain many passengers and truckers bust their ass off to distribute merchandise we take advantage of on a daily basis.

All I can say is respect them.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Scott, and thanks for telling your story here. I couldn't agree more. Your story is well written, and it makes some very good and important points.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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I Suffer From Bad Road Rage

by Wess
(Manchester, England)

I am quite an assertive and confident person and usually very affable and accommodating. But stick me behind a wheel and that changes.

I get angry about people driving badly and too slowly, I always end up trying to overtake and sometimes gesticulating at them.

It is when they are in the wrong and I make my feelings known and instead of apologizing they flip you the bird or get angry back at you, that is what incenses me. Although I don't tend to get out and be aggressive my behaviour is still shocking and once I calm down I can't believe my actions.

I go to the gym and do physical exercise, but what else can I do to calm myself down? I have quite a stressful life and this doesn't help.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Wess, and thanks for telling your story here. I'm glad you want to improve your responses while driving. That desire is a reflection of who you really are, and your anger doesn't feel right to you--that's why you're looking for help. I will try to help you.

I have created an entire web page on road rage, and I encourage you to read it. Here is a link to the part that is for angry drivers. You're not alone, and there is help. It will also help you to read the stories of others about road rage.

Follow the links on that page, and choose what best suits your needs at this time. If nothing else, begin this three part journaling process, to help you process your emotions in a more rational manner.

Believe in yourself, Wess. You can get on top of this and become a calm, safe driver.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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