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Road Rage In A Rainy Parking Lot

by Steve

I dropped my wife off at Wal-Mart and moved to the lower parking lot and was waiting for her call that she was through and coming out of the store. I received a message from her that she had forgot to get her purse out of the car.

It was pouring rain and she had jumped out at the front in a hurry. I slowly looked and put the car in drive and headed back toward the front door when all at once I heard a car horn. Unable to see well because of the pouring rain I didn't see the truck that had come up behind me.

As I pulled up at the front my wife met me at the door and I gave her her purse . Suddenly the truck pulled up with this guy cursing and waving his arms. I didn't realize at first what was going on so I waved.

He sped off and I slowly moved on from the front. This guy was running across the parking lot in the pouring rain shouting and cursing and flagging me to come his way. I turned to leave the parking lot and he ran to his truck and followed me to the signal light and jumped out waving and cursing, jumping up and down in the pouring rain calling me a ^%$* idiot.

I apologized and ask what he wanted me to do. I drove off as the light turned green and left him in the pouring rain.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Steve, and thanks for telling your story here. You seem to have handled a very difficult situation in a very healthy way. Whatever you may or may not have done that upset the other driver, you are in no way responsible for his out-of-control behavior that followed.

Anyone that drives on a regular or even occasional basis is going to be in someone’s way at some point or another. It is our responsibility as drivers to keep our focus on safety, just as you did, and avoid anger and risky behavior.

The other driver had serious issues, or he would not have reacted that way. You did great. I know it takes a while to get over this kind of thing, but you will. Just keep doing what you’re doing, and focus on being safe in your driving.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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