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My Road Rage Buttons

by Anonymous

Hi. I just happened upon this site when I Googled "Road Rage". I already can see your suggestions as helpful.

I experience tremendous frustration at other drivers almost continually, as their behaviors seem so invasive to me. Among these behaviors are being suddenly cut off by someone who moves ahead of me from a nearby lane and who does not use their turn signal. This is incredibly and bizarrely common. How do I "be a Buddha" in such a situation?

Another incredibly frustrating and scary behavior is people driving very quickly through parking lots. It scares the hell out of me but again, is standard, common everyday behavior. These are but two examples of what can be a nerve wracking drive just to the grocery store and back.

I am sure I am not "inventing the wheel" here and speak for many others, but still, there is just me each situation. I agree that I (and others) need to find a more peaceful, forgiving, relaxed state of mind in the midst of these troubling situations. But how remarkably difficult it is!! I also wish that there would be police enforcement against these people, but that is another story. I intend to read the other comments as well, so hopefully, I can benefit from those comments. Thanks for listening.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello, and thanks for your story. I think you'll find the pointers you're looking for in the other stories and comments. Basically, it's a matter of dealing with the "fuel" behind your anger. You'll never like bad drivers--why would you? The important point is that you don't make things worse with your anger reaction.

You sound like a reasonable person, and I think you'll get a handle on this!

Follow the recommendations, and you'll get great results!

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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