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I Am Always Angry Especially At My Mother

by Olivia
(London, England)

I'm always angry, especially at my mother. I try not to be.

I try to keep myself from saying bad things or hurting the people I love. But I guess that just makes it worse, because all my bad thoughts get piled up in my head, and I end up even more angry.

And I release all those thoughts on one person. I've tried many techniques on how to control my anger, but none of them have worked. Do you know of any techniques that are sure to help me with my problems?

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Olivia, and thanks for telling your story here. I don't know what you've already tried, but I think you'll find the techniques I recommend to be different from what you'll find elsewhere.

First, do all of the exercises you find on this FAQ page diligently and consistently. By the way, these tools work...if you use them. Be sure and use them, and I think you'll start finding some relief.

Regarding your relationship with your mother, it sounds like there's a lot going on there. Emotionally letting go of parents is key to maturity, happiness and emotional health as an adult. Use the methods you find on this web page to help you sort out your emotions and let go of your mother.

I hope this helps you, Olivia. The reason your anger bothers you so much is that it is not a reflection of who you really are. It is there for a reason, and when you start to discover those reasons and provide some healthy expression for your anger and all of your emotions, you will start to heal.

Believe in yourself. Believe in the healing force that lives inside you. Believe in the goodness that is who you really are.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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Sep 09, 2017
I Have No Idea Why I'm Mad
by: Anonymous

For some reason, my mother just makes me mad. I don't really know how or why this is, but it still happens. I'm not sure if my anger is making her angry or if it is the other way around.

Oct 17, 2016
To Psiri - You Can Figure This Out
by: Dr. DeFoore

Hi Psiri -- First, take a break from your monthly visit, and do the exercises you find on this FAQ page.

Take a couple months break, if you can, and really focus on those exercises, until you feel you have some understanding and control of your anger.

Your anger is there for a reason, and your job is to figure out what that reason is, and take action to work through it.

You will succeed.

My best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

Oct 17, 2016
Get Angry With My Mom But Not With My Friends
by: Psiri

I'm 23 years old. I'm studying and live in a residence with my friends separately from my parents. I head to my home to see my parents about once a month. When I go home I get angry with my mom and speak loud at her. At that time I can’t control myself.

Later I worry about that and it gives me death-full headache. But when I am with my friends it doesn't happen. Even though they do things make me angry, I never care and smile with them without expressing my anger. Even with a word. What should I do? Please help me.

Mar 07, 2016
My Sister Destroys My Things - Why Me?
by: Anonymous

My sister destroys basically everything I own, yet my parents don't care. One day, I ask them if they can watch my sister better and then they start yelling at me to put my stuff in a safer place. I put a souvenir in my bedroom, and my sister wrecks it. I put my picture of me when I was little at the top of our refrigerator and my sister pulls up a chair and destroys my memories of when I was little. I ask them to do one simple thing, stop staring at their Samsungs doing whatever they want to do and they don't. I yell back, and know no one in my family will talk to me.

It has been a week and I feel angry, upset, and scared. I feel that the situation I am in is so unfair. Why me? Why do I get the pressure and not them? Even if they just take a little bit of the weight off my shoulders, I would be very grateful.

Jul 03, 2015
by: Elise

I'm very sad and upset because I can't control my anger towards my mother because she is constantly nagging me. She makes me feel like a horrible person and she's always telling me I am very rude and mean. I don't know which one of us needs to change but it is hurting our relationship very much.

Mar 26, 2015
Be Bold
by: Maxwell

This issue can be caused due to over stress. You are trying to put all your emotions on your mother. Instead of that try to talk with your mother gently and she can certainly help you to solve problems.

Jul 06, 2013
I'm always angry at my mom
by: Anonymous

I'm 17, and I'm always angry with my parents especially my mom!!! I think she favors my brother too much and ignores me!! Whatever she does just irritates me!! I don't know what to do!! I'm going to be away from home exactly next month for my further studies!! I won't be back for a long time. So I want to spend the rest of my days with them happily!! Any suggestions on how to reduce my anger?? Thanks!!

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