by Rae
My boyfriend and I have been together for only 9 months. A love so rare. So strong. Best friends. Inseparable.
But when he drinks, his mind gets warped and he creates issues that aren't there, or over analyzes a current situation. As a result, he calls me horrible names, kicks me out of his place, and when I fight back (I sometime retaliate and tell him he's such an asshole), he gets angry and grabs me by my clothes and picks me up and tosses me.
Either he grabs me by my shirt and pushes me back and I fall on the floor, or he grabs me and pushes/tosses me out the door. These explosive fights happen about 3-4 times a month and the physical part happens about 1-2 times a month.
He's got a loud voice and a temper so put together it's quite shattering. This last occurrence was the last straw and I permanently left.
After he realized I left and actually wasn't coming back, he's vowed to change. He's been reading articles online on his behaviour and has finally been realizing he's been controlling and abusive and wants to fix it with me.
I've been in an abusive relationship before and left after I no longer loved the guy. My dilemma is I’m so head over heels in love with my current guy, but I don't want to make a mistake and stay, and regret it months or even years from now.
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