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An Anger Management Movie
With Dr. William DeFoore

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

In this anger management movie, you won't see Adam Sandler or Jack Nicholson, but you'll still get a few laughs. You will see and hear Dr. William DeFoore as he speaks to a live audience about the expression and communication of anger. 

Learn the difference between anger release and communication, and how important that difference is in your relationships.

Using humor and innovative concepts, Dr. DeFoore will help you understand how anger can shut down higher brain function, making us say and do things that we otherwise would never do.

Using an example of a father-son relationship, Dr. DeFoore guides you through a scenario that may be familiar to some of you, and relatable by all.

If you like what you see and hear, you can invite Dr. DeFoore to speak to your church, school or organization, and he will tailor his presentation to the specific interests and needs of your group.

Here's Your Anger Management Movie

Now, sit back and relax and enjoy your anger management video of Dr. DeFoore in a professional presentation at Cooper Aerobics Center in Dallas.

There you go. If you like what you saw and heard, and would like to take it further than just watching this anger management video, then begin your journey of controlling anger and developing healthy anger now!

You can also hire Dr. DeFoore as a speaker for your church, school or organization. Contact us now to learn more.

Become your own best anger management resource

Here are two more anger management videos by Dr. DeFoore, but as you'll see they approach this problem from a totally different angle! 

Two More Videos By Dr. DeFoore

First, try an attitude adjustment. One of the best ways to manage your anger is to focus on what is good, right and working in your life. Learn more in this helpful video... 

You probably didn't know that anxiety can cause a lot of anger problems. Well, it's true. Anger sometimes erupts when a person just can't take the anxiety any more.

So, it follows that healing and managing your anxiety is an excellent way of preventing anger. Watch the video below to see how this happens.

Now, if you want some entertainment (not much educational...) on this subject, check out the Anger Management movie with Sandler and Nicholson.

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