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A Collective Effort That Sexually Exploited Female Trainees

by Marie
(Louisville, KY)

During our training, the NCOIC'S in charge misused their power over the female trainees by sexually exploiting them.

During that time it was rampant. In retrospect I realize each of us believed it was only us individually that was being victimized. We never opened up to discuss it. The shame, shock and devastation of being entrapped by those who were supposed to protect us caused our silence with each other.

Therefore, there has to be many females who were discriminated against with the same sexual harassment and sexual abuse. We all thought we were the only one.

The NCIOC'S and OIC'S covered each other to be able to make it a successful dehumanization. Too many of us internalized the experience and suffered alcoholism, drug addiction, and just plain became a mess.

There was no public law to take responsibility for the sexual violation of female trainees. Far too many women who spoke up and told were met with having to leave their planned military careers. Far too many were labeled and stigmatized as trouble makers and/or all the derogatory names reserved just for females.

Too many service women were so wounded by their rapes and other assaults while serving. Then, sadly, they became the unemployed and underemployed in America. Now some veterans have no income and/or are living homeless and impoverished. These women should not be suffering with no income because of their unemployability, but many are.

Now, fortunately, there are many support groups. I praise God and thank God. Now military sexual trauma has been exposed for men and women. Disproportionately, women soldiers are the victims.

We have had these purple wounds seeping, and now we are coming forth as survivors. Bless God.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Marie, and thank you so much for submitting your story here. It is so important that this story be told, and as you say, the problem has been exposed, which allows the healing process to begin.

I hope others who have been affected by this problem will read what you've written and make use of the available healing processes on this site and elsewhere.

I respect the courage and love in what you have written here, Marie.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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